Yes. In recent years, the number of salmon returning to Scottish rivers has declined. Early-running or ‘spring’ salmon have been particularly affected by these trends. We need to look after what we have, therefore our practise at Dunkeld Salmon Fishing is catch and release.
There is no guarantee in salmon fishing, however you need to cover the water the best you can to give yourself the best chance. We will do everything we can to give you the best chance.
For fly fishing yes you need to wade. Most of the wading is very easy and very seldom do you have to wade above your waste.
14/16 ft fly rod is needed to cover the water properly and a good range of sink. Tips is a must with 15/20 lb leader material.
Preferably yes, again it’s for the safety of the fish, also some banks are a wee bit harder to land a fish without it, the less handling of the fish the better and it allows you to keep the fish in the water while you unhook it.